Formerly F.I.R.S.T now doing business as

Thirst Impact

The Need for Clean Water

Thirst Impact - The Need for Clean Water

Approximately, 3.5 million people die each year due to inadequate water supply, sanitation and hygiene. Nearly 2 billion people around the world do not have access to clean water to drink, bathe, cook, etc. Hundreds of millions of people’s lives are shorten and rendered far less than fruitful due to waterborne diseases, parasites and chemicals. Of all things, people need accessible clean water, daily or their health will be seriously compromised. Wars are the machines churning out orphans, widows and lack of basic health needs, especially safe and clean drinking water.

The Ukraine war alone has caused tens of millions of Ukrainians to have no source of safe and sanitary drinking water as their infrastructures are under constant attack and destruction. First-Impact’s President and CEO has been on the ground in Ukraine and receives ongoing reports of the need for simple, family and multi-family water filter systems to prevent disease and provide for basic health care. It is difficult if not impossible to provide treatment for the sick and wounded when there is no source of safe water.

Medicines temporarily treat the results of unsafe water. Why not give infants and adults the most basic of health care needed, clean drinking water. You can make an immediate difference in the health of individuals and entire families, from infants to the elderly, my making a donation to First-Impact and indicate in the drop down box that your heart and passions are for clean water.