Formerly F.I.R.S.T now doing business as

Israel War Relief Fund

Although First-Impact’s intended aid and relief response is much broader, global disasters, including wars are becoming an increasing and acute focus of our efforts. As natural disasters and wars increasingly wreak havoc on millions of lives, First-Impact seeks to provide core basic needs of clean water, basic medical supplies, and food supplements to those in a crisis due to recent destabilization and disruption of these life-threatening necessities. Wars are one of the greatest causes of widows and orphans and lack of these basic supplies threaten the lives of those who survive the actual conflict.

Imagine the loss of electricity, loss of clean water supplies, the diminishment or complete lack of access to basic medical care or provisions and the short and potential long-term disruption of the food supply chain. In many cases, masses of people have become refugees or completely lost their housing and livelihoods. No organization can solve all of these problems immediately, yet First-Impact is set up to provide the most critical needs as quickly as possible. Even basic medical care or sanitized food preparation cannot be administered without access to clean water, so clean water is an early primary focus in disaster relief.

First-Impact is the organization which can channel your funds through its multi-faceted, global partners to deliver these basic and core necessities to the right people, at the right time.

After returning from Ukraine last year and witnessing the bottlenecks that can happen with supplies haphazardly thrown toward relief and the always real threat of these supplies getting into the wrong hands, we selectively choose global partners who share our vision, beliefs and values and who can ensure timely and vetted distribution networks on the ground. Prayerfully consider making a substantial contribution to First-Impact today. This will allow us to put the funds to work now to position the provisions to provide relief when the natural disaster abates or the conflict adequately diminishes to effectuate relief efforts.

Terry Adams, President and Chairman of the Board

First-Impact ensures a safe pathway for the supplies to arrive in the area where needed


Portable water Filters / and Water Bladder Backpacks

This will ensure that no matter the condition, the people will have instant clean water

Food for the people

Dehydrated food that has a 25-year shelf life. Highest quality of nutrition for the people.
This food is kosher and Halal

Military-grade Medical Supplies

AS we get requests, we will fulfill the needs immediately

You make the decision on where your donation will have the largest IMPACT – clean water, nutritious food and/or medical supplies.

If you simply want to help make an impact to the area of greatest need, donate to First-Impact; clean water to Thirst-Impact; nutritious food to Nutri-Impact and Medic-Impact for basic medical supplies. Simply click the Donate button on our website and you will be given the option of one of those four categories.