Formerly F.I.R.S.T now doing business as



About First-Impact

Imagine your only source for water is a highly contaminated pond, lake or river filled with human and animal waste as well as industrial chemicals further contaminated by attempts for thousands to bath in that water. Imagine having to drink, cook and bathe with and wash out infected wounds with this water. Even if a well is dug, many times the contaminates have invaded the water supply in shallow wells below the ground, also.

Imagine not having the economic means or access to provide even one meal a day and that the meager meal is little more than rice/ lentils or beans, at best. Malnourishment is a breeding ground for underdeveloped bodies and brains among the poor and marginalized and doesn’t provide the energy needed for sustained healthy growth or even the energy to function physically and cognitively.

YOU can make an IMPACT today! At First-Impact, 100% of your donation goes to provide one or all of these basic services, as you so choose. Generous donors and primarily volunteers have teamed together so that your donation, small or large will make a direct and dollar-for-dollar impact to those who are most in need. 100% of your donation goes to those in need, not 90% or 70% as with many organizations.


Clean water

You make the decision on where your donation will have the largest IMPACT – clean water, nutritious food and/or medical supplies.

If you simply want to help make an impact to the area of greatest need, donate to First-Impact; clean water to Thirst-Impact; nutritious food to Nutri-Impact and Medic-Impact for basic medical supplies. Simply click the Donate button on our website and you will be given the option of one of those four categories.

Our Team


Terry Adams

CEO, President and Chairman of the Board

Fraser Collins

Board Member

Kimberly Sasko

Board Member

Patricia Theil

Board Member